Thursday, November 19, 2015

Initiate Preliminary Survey

Before entering the structure of a crime scene an exterior survey is needed. This is when someone would be walking around the exterior of the structure (which would be the crime in the scene itself) to see if any obvious evidence is apparent. Maybe like an open windows, damaged doors, ladders to get inside, etc. The first question we think to ourselves is "How was entry made to the structure?" After CSI comes into the room they start to make what is called a visual survey. This is when the CSI Agent will actually survey the actual room in which the incident that was reported took place. This is when the photo graphs come into play. This is also the time that they take to take any type of photographs of the crime scene. Then after they finish in the room that the action happened, they move onto the adjoining rooms to determine if the other rooms have any kind of information relating to the incident.

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